3 Blogs Worth Reading
There are a lot of blogs out there that regularly post links to interesting articles or blog posts that they have been reading online. Honestly, I rarely read what they recommend and I don’t plan to start to have a regular recommended reading series on my blog. However, there are some great things out there right now that I think are worth mentioning.
Another New Season’s Series Plan to EnJOY Christmas :: This blog is written by a personal friend of mine, Donna. She got this great idea to start thinking about Christmas NOW so that she can enjoy herself more when it truly is “tis season!” I think this is just genius. Donna will be helping us get organized for Christmas this year for several weeks to come, so check it out and plan to truly enjoy this holiday season! Plus she is doing a great giveaway for the website ListPlanIt. Enter the drawing here to win a free membership to ListPlanIt where you can really get yourself organized!
Amy’s Finer Thing’s Series Why Didn’t Anyone Tell Me? :: Amy has been doing this awesome series on pregnancy and child birth. I’ve gotten a real kick out of reading each of her posts and reliving my own pregnancy with Grace. I personally found her posts on infertility and pregnancy loss to be extremely touching. Amy treated these awfully tragic subjects with amazing sensitivity. If you have a baby on the way (or hope to someday!), you’ll want to catch up on this great series.
Parenting The Tiniest of Miracles’ Post What Blogging Has Taught Me About “How to Eat” :: I could totally relate to this post. Jessica talks about the good, bad and ugly side affects of reading other blogger’s views on food and healthy eating. I personally have gained a lot of good information about how to eat better, BUT… I’ve also found myself beating myself up over the things I’m feeding my family. It is easy to get so wrapped up in whole foods thinking that I end up feeling like nothing is actually good for me unless it is pieces of raw fruit or vegetables! Thank you, Jessica, for bringing some perspective to the blogging world!