
A Day in the Life… 2020

Every year on January 18th I take one picture every hour from the moment I wake up until I go to bed that night. I end up taking pictures of the ordinary – supper prep, cranky kids, trips the library, a cup of coffee, my computer screen.

These ordinary pictures are actually quite extraordinary. They are my everyday. They are my here and my now. They are a day in my life.

I’ve given myself an amazing gift to be able to look back at a typical day from the past years and see the changes from year to year. The gift of being able to see the extraordinary in my everyday routine because the truth is simple: today’s routine will not be the same for long. My children will grow. My jobs will change. These routines will not remain.

Clearly, I am late in sharing these photos, but the following images and words are from January.

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A Day in the Life of Rebekah – January 18, 2020

9:00 AM

9:00 AM – I think this is a first. I’m starting off my “A Day in The Life” project with a morning selfie. 😆

This is my Winter morning uniform: pajamas from Walmart, a robe gifted to me by my mom years ago, and my curly hair flopping around in the “pineapple” style I wear to bed.

Click here to read all about my curly hair routine.

10:00 AM – Grace is practicing her microwave skills this morning. I realized Noah and Grace are tall enough to use the microwave, but they don’t do it very often. I’m adding this to the list of life skills for them to practice.

I read recently how kids have tons of access to technology, but we need to be intentional about teaching them real life technology skills. They might be able to text, but can they place a grocery order, pay a bill online, or search for a business’s phone number?

Mine sure can’t! But we’ll start with the microwave.

11:00 AM

11:00 AM – The chaos of a playroom is a beautiful thing (when you can shut the door!!).

12:00 PM

12:00 PM – I am tackling Isaac’s clothes. For too many seasons, I have been neglecting the task of sorting his outgrown clothing. Today that all changes!!

1:00 PM

1:00 PM – Snow Day! After spending 5 hours getting everyone in snow gear, we are outside!

2:00 PM

2:00 PM – Mini snowmen are the cutest. I love Grace’s diligence in making a snowman regardless of snow quality or amounts.

3:00 PM

3:00 PM – Inspired by @lexienaturals, I have been challenging myself to drink a quart of water a day.

I’ve been doing this for several weeks now. It is amazing how hard it is for me! I know I should be drinking much more, but this babystep is kicking my butt.

Sorting Isaac’s clothes is also kicking my butt. I keep getting distracted.

4:00 PM

4:00 PM – The day wouldn’t be complete without a bathroom selfie with my Harry Styles inspired t-shirt.

In case you missed the memo: I am obsessed with this guy’s music these days. His albums have been on repeat for weeks, and I’m looking forward to going to his concert this summer. (Reminder: This was written in January. The concert won’t be happening now.)

5:00 PM

5:00 PM – Giving this little guy some post-nap snuggles. Can you believe he is turning 3 next week?!?

6:00 PM

6:00 PM – I finally cleaned up the clothing project, and let the kids open a new bin of toys. We have a toy rotation system, but it has been a long time since we opened a new bin.

I was happy to give the kids something new to play with while I escaped upstairs for some alone time.

7:00 PM

7:00 PM – I don’t love sports. I especially don’t love PLAYING sports.

But I love my kids (duh), and I have figured out some activities that I do enjoy playing with them. Kicking a ball back and forth in the living room behind the couch has become a regular for Noah and I.

8:00 PM – Painting with Grace Renee. I’m thankful for this gentle, creative spirit in our house.

9:00 PM – Bedtime shenanigans. 🥰 I love these silly little people (and that big guy).

Thank you for following along on my 10th annual “A Day in the Life” project!

Take a peek back in time!

Thank you for sharing a day in my life!

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  1. Your husband hate his hair? Wearing a hat since 2007. The same one or similar?. Nice too look back and see how your family has grown.

    1. That is funny that you noticed. Nate has been wearing that same hat for over a decade! He doesn’t hate his hair. He just REALLY loves that hat. 🙂

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