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Can Crunchy Mamas Love Disposable Diapers? {giveaway}

Can Crunchy Mamas Love Disposable Diapers?

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Honest Company.

Can we acknowledge the elephant in the room for a moment?  Yes, I claim to be a green blogger.  No, I don’t use cloth diapers.  Can I be a crunchy mama and a lover of disposables???

I have two little ones and when I was pregnant with my first, I did consider cloth diapers.  I had several close girlfriends who were using them and loving them, but I just wasn’t convinced cloth diapers were for me.  Our laundry situation was not ideal for cloth diapers. Plus at the time I was able to buy disposables at a really good discount.  Ultimately, I felt like I had a lot of reasons why cloth diapers weren’t right for my family.

Depending on who I’m talking to, using disposable diapers is like my dirty little secret.  I love green things.  I’m slowly trying to change my family’s diet.  We recycle.  I have a small garden.  I know how to can salsa and pickles.  I use natural bath products on my kids.  Goodness, just this weekend I spent $5.49 on a 2 oz. tube of toothpaste!  But my diapers???

Most days I’m ok with using disposables, but if I’m going to be completely honest – I simply try not to think about it.  I ignore the nagging voice in my head that says, “Cloth diaper lovers say there are nasty chemicals in disposables!  Why are you still using them on your precious little ones?!?”

Honest Company Diapers

I was ecstatic when The Honest Company sent me a beautiful package filled with eco-friendly disposable diapers and wipes.  Their diapers don’t include many of the harsh chemicals that people warn against in conventional diapers.

It is hard to know which ingredients to avoid in diapers and which ones are safe.  That is why I really appreciated the article “What Is Inside Those Disposable Diapers?” by Baby Gear Lab.  They made an excellent point when they said, “The fact is that there are several potentially harmful chemicals that are known to be present in some disposable diapers, including: chlorine, dyes, fragrances, phthalates, and more. We advise relying on the Skeptic’s Rule of Thumb when it comes to potentially harmful ingredients: If they don’t say it’s not in there, then assume it’s in there.

The Honest Company clearly states right on their packaging that their diapers are…

Honest Company Diapers Free From

Free of cholorine processing, latex, lotions, fragrances, most common allergens, phthalates, optical brighteners, PVC, heavy metals, and organotins (MBT, DBT, TBT).

Let’s face it.  I have enough to worry about as a mom.  I don’t have the time and energy to worry about what my little ones poop in!  The less I think about poop the better.  Did I mention that you can hand pick the design of your diapers when you order from The Honest Company?  Somehow they managed to make poop a little more fun!

Would you like to try The Honest Company’s diapers or any of their other natural, non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and pH-balanced bath and body products?  Get $10 off a minimum purchase of $40 using the code, Sway10off40. Applies to U.S. and Canadian residents only (one per customer). Valid for first-time orders only. Expires November 17, 2013.

The Honest Company Giveaway

Could you use a $500 gift card for The Honest Company?  The Honest Company has partnered with me and 14 other bloggers to offer this amazing giveaway.  One winner (from all 15 giveaways) will receive a $500 gift card to The Honest Company.  You can enter the giveaway by following the instructions in the Rafflecopter form below.  Can’t see the form in your email or RSS?  Click over to Simply Rebekah.

The giveaway will be open from November 12 at 12:00 AM PST to November 20 at 12:00 AM PST.  Winner will be announced on November 22, 2013 via The Honest Company’s Facebook page.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Honest Company.  For more information, visit http://www.honest.com.  All opinions are my own.  If you enjoy fine print like this, you can read my full disclosure policy here.


  1. we sometimes use disposables (mostly because my inlaws refuse to use my cloth diapers) and i like that theirs are safer than others!

  2. This company seems like it has products that are eco friendly and also I feel like this company seems to actually care about quality products

  3. I’ve never tried Honest diapers, but I think I will now! Currently I’m a fence-sitter on the cloth v. disposable debate, but I’m glad there are more options than I thought!

  4. I want to use cloth for my babe due in 6 weeks, but I know from experience I can’t commit to cloth ALL THE TIME. These look like a great alternate!

  5. This would be amazing for me! I have 9 kids, including our latest addition, and budget is always a concern. I, too, have had those niggling doubts about disposables. What a great way to ditch the guilt without ditching the convenience! Even when I was cloth diapering, it was nice to have some disposables around for sitters or emergencies or days I just forgot to do the diaper laundry. I would LOVE the gift card!

  6. We, too, are slowing switching to more natural, green products. Just found out we are pregnant with #2, so this would be great!

  7. I make many of my own body care products using natural, simple ingredients. Some things, such as diapers, are easier for us to buy. I would love to use the Honest Company for many items to keep our family healthy!

  8. I like to keep everything as natural and chemical-free as possible, and love the idea of a natural disposable diaper as an alternative

  9. We LOVE The Honest Company! My son has very sensitive skin and most other disposable diapers have given him bad rashes. Honest diapers are the only ones I have found that don’t! Plus it helps that they have awesome designs 🙂

  10. My daughter has VERY sensitive skin! She can’t have any fragrances or anything touch her skin or she gets a rash. These would have been AMAZING to have when she was in diapers!

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