Green Living

5 Reasons to Ditch Antibacterial Hand Soap and Switch to DIY Foaming Hand Soap

5 Reasons to Ditch Antibacterial Hand Soap and Switch to DIY Foaming Hand Soap

I ditched antibacterial hand soap years ago, and I haven’t missed it one bit! Instead of using antibacterial soap, I use regular soap and turn it into foaming hand soap. 5 Reasons to Ditch Antibacterial Hand Soap & Switch to DIY Foaming Hand Soap This post contains affiliate links. 1. Antibacterial hand soap isn’t as…

How Clean is Your Drinking Water? {Berkey giveaway}

How Clean is Your Drinking Water? {Berkey giveaway}

This post contains affiliate links. My dear beloved readers, today I am super jealous of you. Why? Because you have the chance to enter today’s amazing giveaway and I’m not able to enter! I have teamed up with several bloggers from the Positively Real Media Network to give away a Berkey water filter. I have been wanting…