Insane Goals: April 2012 Update {link-up}

My goals were all about getting ready with the baby’s arrival being my deadline.  Here is how I did last month.

April Accomplishments:

1.  The ultimate insane goal was to have this baby and that certainly happened!  Along with that came all the other necessary things that needed to be done: packing hospital bags, installing the car seat, etc.

2.  I decided not to make busy bags for Grace, but my mom stepped in and made some.  I love it when other people get my goals done for me.

3.  My freezer is packed for of meals!  My mother-in-law was a huge help with that.  She made a ton of stuff for us.  Plus I used batch cooking as a way to fill the freezer.  Speaking of in-laws, my father-in-law cleaned our carpets for us.

4.  We decided to have Noah sleep in his crib instead of in our room.  We are sleeping with our door and the nursery door open and we can actually see the crib from our bed.  The rooms are extremely close.  It is working out really well.

5.  I have several guest posts ready and drafts in the works so this little blog won’t die because of the birth of my little boy.  Yippee!

6.  Before Noah was born, I sent out a round of thank you notes.  Of course now I have more that need to be sent.  A wonderful problem, indeed!   🙂

7.  I found some wall decals for Grace’s room on Amazon.  She had fun helping me put them up.

8.  Pre-baby I was able to set up a few baby themed giveaways.  Those will be happening over the next couple months after I’ve had time to try out the products.

April Disappointments:

1.  Are you ready to be shocked?  We did not hang pictures in the nursery or anywhere else in the house.   😉  We did hang a mirror in the living room and we bought some picture collages, but of course they aren’t up yet.

2.  I am very grateful for the progress I made on my photo books, but I didn’t actually finish any of them yet.

3.  I never did stretch regularly in preparation for labor.  Turns out I didn’t need to anyway since I had a c-section.

4.  I didn’t buy any new nursing tanks, but I did get one that I’ll be reviewing on the blog.  Nursing tanks are my best friend while breastfeeding, so I plan to get a couple more.

5.  I just can’t seem to get through those blogging conference business cards!  If you’ve ever been to a conference, do you make the effort to connect with all the bloggers you met?


I made 62 goals to complete before my baby was born.  There are only 10 goals left to be crossed off.  I’m am super pleased with that!  Will I make another list of Insane Goals for the rest of the year?  Honestly, I’m not sure yet.  Right now my only goal is to snuggle and love on my little ones.

You can see my complete list of goals below.  Plus be sure to add your link below and check out the other blogger’s goals!  If you are reading this in your email or RSS reader, you’ll need to click over to Simply Rebekah to add your link and/or see the posts that other bloggers have shared.

My 2012 Insane Goals: Preparing for the Baby Edition

Food & Supply Preparations

  • Purge & organize the deep freezer
  • Test the slow cooker freezer recipes I found somewhere (??) & pick some to freeze.
  • Fill my freezer (as time, money & energy allow).
  • Create a small stockpile of bath products.

Nursery Goals

  • Decide if the baby will sleep in our room first or in the crib from day one.
  • Clean all the bedding.
  • Pull out all the gender neutral clothes.
  • Reorganize the closet & changing table, switching from Grace’s things to baby things.
  • Buy & install black out curtains or shades.
  • Hang pictures.
  • Get a baby monitor.

More Baby Themed Goals

  • Pick out new pack ‘n play.
  • Register at Babies R Us.
  • Clean & have ready the swing, bath tub, breast pump, baby toys, etc.
  • Buy & send out “thank you” cards as needed.
  • Reorganize the baby/toddler cabinet in the kitchen.
  • Create a pregnancy journal.
  • Clean & install the car seat.

Labor & Delievery Goals

Goals for Grace

  • Try to find her a new story time.
  • Update her baby book.
  • Take away her pacifiers before she moves into her new room.
  • Make “busy bags” for her to help keep her entertained while I’m nursing the newborn.
  • Buy a potty training seat.
  • Purge toys.
  • Create better toy storage in the living room.

Move Grace to Her New Room

  • Purge & organize the closets.
  • Pick a bedding set for her big girl bed.
  • Paint and/or get fun wall decals.
  • Buy & install black out curtains or shades.
  • Make a night light.  Changed my mind!
  • Move Grace into the new room in the beginning of March or earlier.

Blogging Goals

  • Host the 2nd Annual A Day in the Life of… photography project.
  • Go through all the business cards I collected at Relevant and visit each blog. – I have about 5-10 left to visit.
  • Host baby themed giveaways.  They are coming up soon!
  • Pre-write a minimum of 5 posts that I can publish after the baby is born.
  • Collect a minimum of 5 guest posts. 

Clothes & Fashion

  • Clear out my closet of non-maternity clothes.
  • Buy warm & colorful maternity tops.
  • Buy new nursing tank tops.
  • Buy a maternity coat.
  • Get a haircut.
  • Get new glasses.

Family Fun

  • Take Grace to the local children’s play house at least once a month.
  • Enjoy monthly date nights with Nate.
  • Use local hotel gift card.
  • Use restaurant gift cards. 

Finish Photo Books

  • The Year 2009 – I only need to finish Nov & Dec!
  • The Year 2010
  • The Year 2011
  • Grace’s First Year Book – I finished the pregnancy, birth, & first month.
  • Plus upload pictures to Snapfish monthly.

House Goals

  • Clean the carpets.
  • Update, print, and follow a new cleaning check list.
  • Buy a new computer.  Changed my mind!
  • Hang pictures.
  • Solve the no-coat-closet problem.

Now it is your turn to share your lists!  I would love to hear about your goals and progress in the comments or you can use the link-up to add a link to a post on your own blog (click on the blue frog icon).  If you are reading this in your email or RSS reader, you’ll need to click over to Simply Rebekah to add your link and/or see the posts that other bloggers have shared.

  • For more details about the Insane Goals Monthly Link-Up click here.
  • Link directly to your post & not your homepage.
  • Please link back to Simply Rebekah in your post and feel free to use the Insane Goals Link-Up image in your post and/or sidebar.


This post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for supporting Simply Rebekah!


  1. Oh my goodness Rebekah, look at all you accomplished!!! I think the insane goals list is a fantastic idea. Would I try it? I don’t know! But I have an insane to-do list that isn’t written down… maybe I should! Little Noah is beautiful. Congratulations! And all those cards from Relevant? I honestly don’t even know where they are. Probably still in my travel bag. Since I came home grieving, with a funeral on the horizon (which didn’t happen until several months later!!) I was really in a fog. I still have those cards. Might add that to my list too! 🙂

    1. Dawn, you should definitely try writing out your own list! Blogging about my goals has made a HUGE difference in how productive I am. I’ve gotten so many things done that I know I would have let slide if I wasn’t blogging about it. Go for it!!!

  2. Girl – you rocked that list! I’m so proud of you! Put your feet up and enjoy the newborn snuggles! Save the craziness for another day!

  3. Your baby is so beautiful. But don’t try to do too much. Having had 4 children and now 8 grandchildren I have learned not to worry too much about getting everything done. Make your top goal just to enjoy your beautiful children! I’m praying for you today. So nice to meet you thanks to Niki’s prayer project.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement and prayer, Joy. I’m currently lounging on my couch while both my little ones nap. The house is a WRECK and I simply do not care. 🙂 How does that sound for not worrying about getting everything done these days? haha!

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