Insane Goals: July 2013 Update
I wrote a crazy-long list of goals for this year. Here is how I did last month on my Insane Goals.
July Accomplishments:
1. I cleaned and reorganized the attic. Friends are storing some things in our attic while they look for a new house and this was the perfect motivation to finally get up there.
2. I canned bread & butter and dill pickles. I also froze 40 pounds of blue berries. (The box pictured above is 20 lbs.) Of course my children ate about 150 pounds worth while I was cleaning them, but I still got 17 quart size bags into my freezer.
3. I put an emergency kit/bucket in the van. It only includes the bucket, some plastic trash bags, and an ice pack. There are so many other things I should put in there, but I’m thankful I at least have the bucket!
4. I reorganized and decluttered two of my kitchen cabinets. I only have… um… a lot more to go. You can read about one of them in this guest post I wrote for A Slob Comes Clean.
5. Speaking of cleaning type stuff… I completed the Just Clean Something Challenge! This wasn’t on my original goal list, but I did it to help me keep up with my cleaning checklist.
6. Grace has been doing a really good job holding pencils. I haven’t seen her grabbing one in her fist for a long time. My sister just gave us some pencil grips to help tweak her finger placement.
July Disappointments:
1. Nate and I didn’t have a date night this month and I can feel it. I am really craving some alone time for us to talk to each other without little ones interrupting every 30 seconds.
2. I had been making great progress on photo goals, but this month I didn’t upload any new pictures to Snapfish, sort & purge photo files on my computer, or work on my photo books.
3. I didn’t work on my eBook at all in July and I am so disappointed in myself.
4. The radon guy had to come back out to give us a new quote. I was disappointed in the price and started dragging my feet on getting this finished.
You can see my complete list of goals below.
My 2013 Insane Goals
House Goals
- Organize & Declutter: office, Noah’s closet, kitchen steps, kitchen cabinets,
attic, basement, upstairs bathroom,my night stand - Hang Pictures: dining room, Noah’s room,
Grace’s Room,master bedroom,upstairs bathroom, downstairs bathroom, living room - Install a Radon Mitigation System
- Fix the Microwave
- Reorganize my Jewelry
- Follow my Cleaning Checklist
- Deep Clean the Dishwasher
- Spring Clean All Rooms: living room, dining room, kitchen, downstairs bathroom, laundry room, stairs/hallway, Noah’s room, Grace’s room, master bedroom, upstairs bathroom
Finish Photo Books
- The Year 2009
- The Year 2010
- The Year 2011
- The Year 2012
- Grace’s First Year Book
- Noah’s First Year Book
- Upload pictures to Snapfish monthly & catch up on uploading from 2012
Food Goals
- Experiment with my Bread Machine
- Make a Meal Directory
Think Outside the Cereal BoxGrow Something- Can & Freeze: salsa,
pickles,blueberries, jam, applesauce, corn
Books to Read
Bright from the Start by Jill Stamm- 7 by Jen Hatmaker
- Platform by Michael Hyatt
A Barn for the Harvest – written by my pastor in honor of our church’s 30th anniversary
Grace & Noah
Read Grace’s devotional book daily at nap time.Eliminate Grace’s daily potty training accidents.- Re-teach Grace the alphabet.
- Teach Grace to hold a pencil correctly.
Read to Noah daily.Breastfeed Noah for 12 months.Buy & Install a new convertible car seat for Noah.- Have Noah’s
9 month,12 month, and 18 month pictures taken. - Have Grace’s 4 year picture taken.
General Goals
- Write a note of appreciation/thanks every month.
- Have monthly date nights with Nate
Invite someone over for supper or dessert every two months.Use & Enjoy our Gift Cards!Create& Complete a Summer Fun List- Create & Complete a Festive Fall List
- Mail out the my “girlfriends notebook”
Put an emergency kit/bucket in the van- Keep library fines under $5 for entire year. Current total: $8.20
Watch Downton Abby Season 1, Season 2, & Season 3
The BIG One: Write an eBook.
Now it is your turn! I would love to hear about your goals and progress in the comments.
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Love how the blueberries multiplied. 🙂
Your goal posts always motivate me. Makes me want to get all sorts of things done, unfortunately I end up stalling somewhere along the way.
Blogging about my goals has been the biggest motivator! Give it a try and you might be surprised.