Insane Goals: November Update {link-up}

Another month has past.  Here is how I did with my list of goals last month.

November Accomplishments:

1.  I organized and purged the kitchen steps storage area!  Our house has a second set of stairs that leads from the kitchen to our bedroom.  We only use these steps for storage.  It is meant to store things like our cloth grocery bags, extra pantry items, and rarely used kitchen appliances.  Instead the space looked like a trash heap!  Here is the before & after:


In full disclosure I should tell you that there are more things going further up the steps.  Now it is just our bread machine and popcorn popper.  I haven’t used either of them in a long time, but it just so hard to get rid of them!

If you’re wondering, the Christmas gift bag is my collection of bags that I use for special deliveries (taking meals to people, returning borrowed items, etc).  No gift bags go to waste in this house!

The best part about cleaning out this space: I found a $25 gift card.  I just love getting paid to clean!

2.  I finished a photo book!!  The year 2008 is now properly documented.  I am also caught up on uploading my pictures to Snapfish through September of this year.

3.  I mailed a couple of cards this month.  Two of them were terribly late, but at least I did it.

4.  The master bedroom has officially been conquered thanks to The Dreaded Closet Clean Up.  I found money then too!

5.  Nate and I had a hot date night this month.  I kicked his butt playing the board game Sequence.  🙂

6.  I’m pleased with the “me time” I had this month.  I spent an evening with Dorothy, who blogs at Myself Better.  I also had a morning of shopping ALL BY MYSELF thanks to my sister watching Grace for me.  Plus I spent some quality time soaking in the tub while reading my pre-released copy of The Money Saving Mom’s Budget.

7.  After about a month of forgetting about giving Grace her vitamin, I started to remember again!  An accomplishment indeed.

November Disappointments:

1. We decided to stop our monthly hosting goal for the rest of the year.  The holidays are just such a busy time.  I don’t feel like making it a priority to invite people over for supper.  This is listed as a disappointment, but really it is quite freeing.  I would rather use that time/energy for enjoying our holidays with less stress.

2. So… I made this cleaning check list….  I love my check list.  I just don’t love following it that much.  Now this past month I’ve done much more than I did during my 1st trimester, but overall it really isn’t working out that great.

3. At this point it feels like everything that remains undone will stay that way during December.  It is Christmas!  We have lots of traveling and family things to do.  I gave myself 1 year to complete this Insane List of Goals and it feels like my time has run out.  I’m already looking ahead to next year’s list!

You can see all my progress from this year below.  Plus be sure to add your link below and check out the other blogger’s goals!  If you are reading this in your email or RSS reader, you’ll need to click over to Simply Rebekah to add your link and/or see the posts that other bloggers have shared.

My complete list of goals for 2011:

Host Once a Month

Mail More Cards

Organize Our Photographs – Photo books I want to finish in 2011:

  • The Year 2008
  • The Year 2009
  • The Year 2010
  • Grace’s First Year Book
  • Mystery Book

Create & Follow a Cleaning Checklist


Can Something

Organize The House – Rooms I want to conquer in 2011:

  • Basement
  • Attic
  • Grace’s Closet
  • Bathroom
  • Guest Bedroom
  • Master Bedroom
  • Mud Room
  • Kitchen Steps

Home Improvements

  • Purchase Patio Furniture
  • Pick out & Buy Blinds for all Downstairs Windows
  • Stain the Balcony Railing & Deck Lattice
  • Hang Pictures
  • Solve the No-Coat-Closet Problem
  • Solve the Bathroom Storage Problem

Goals for Grace

  • Continue to limit her pacifier use to only in the crib & eventually wean from crib use.
  • Develop a better routine for giving her a daily vitamin & brushing her teeth in the morning.  I just can’t seem to nail down a solid time for this each day.
  • Have Grace drink milk from her sippy cup.
  • Work on her stairs climbing skills so we can get to a place where we feel comfortable with her going up & down the stairs on her own.
  • Have devotions from her “baby” Bible.

Personal & Spiritual Goals

  • Drink more water.
  • Exercise at least a little!
  • Eat more fruit instead of sugar & chocolate.
  • Read daily devotions.
  • Increase personal prayer time & prayer time with Nate.
  • Schedule more time for myself.
  • Schedule monthly date nights with hubby.

Check back next month and I’ll let you know how I’m doing on my Insane List of Goals.

Now it is your turn to share your lists!  I would love to hear about your progress in the comments or you can use the link-up to add a link to a post on your own blog (click on the blue frog icon).

  • For more details about the Insane Goals Monthly Link-Up click here.
  • Link directly to your post & not your homepage.
  • Please link back to Simply Rebekah in your post and feel free to use the Insane Goals Link-Up image in your post and/or sidebar.
This post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for supporting Simply Rebekah!


  1. Don’t be so hard on yourself!! Look at all you’ve accomplished over the last year!! Thats alot and you should be proud of it!! I say keep at it!!!

    1. Overall, I am pretty pleased. It is just when I look at individual goals that I didn’t get done, I think, “Rebekah, you have a whole YEAR to do this and you didn’t find the time? Really??” Still I think I got WAY more done this year because of blogging about my goals than I would have normally. Go me. 🙂

  2. You are doing great! I struggle with the tooth brushing thing (and need to start vitamins). I’m going to try giving Buggy a special spin brush in his stocking so he can use a “big boy” toothbrush and will hopefully do a bit better. I think if I get some gummy vitamins, I can give them each one with their lunch each day. We shall see. I, too, am seeing next year’s list growing before my eyes!

  3. Something made me think of you today so I decided to stop by! I love your goals. I plan to start posting my goals in January. I don’t know if I am ready for accountability before then:)))

    1. I know the feeling! Besides, December is a terrible time to have big goals unless they are for Christmas fun. Maybe you could create a Christmas Fun List? I did one for the Summer and Fall. I really feel like it helped me embrace the fun in those seasons. A list like that doesn’t feel like work! 🙂

          1. :)P Not today you don’t Rebekah….lots of mommy grouchiness going on today:) If you decide you need a new home though, come on over!

  4. Pingback: My Never-Ending Christmas To Do List
  5. Rebekah, I really love your page and I was really thrilled to see the post about Being Green !! I really love some of the ideas the “green” people have but sometimes I just think awh come on guys………really?? I will have to go back and read all of your posts. I dont know why now that I live alone,I get less done and what’s worse i dont care ! lol i want one of those pristine houses, a garden, etc. i have more ideas that I will ever even get started so here i sit drinking coffee and playing on my computer. i really want to start a blog but have no idea how to go about starting ,how to find people to advertise on my site to make me a little money,whether or not it is ok to use other peoples great ideas if i just give credit to the blog it came from or if I need to ask permission. i would love some information on the blog. i wrote to you earlier about Falujah (sp) 182nd airborn .thanks gloria

    1. Gloria, blogging about my goals did AMAZING things for my motivation. If you ever get around to setting up a blog for yourself, you’ll have to give it a try.

      And trust me… If I lived alone (and didn’t have these little ones constantly needing attention) I would spend plenty of time drinking coffee and playing on the computer! 🙂

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