My Goals for 2022: Mid-Year Check In
After being in pure survival mode for the last two years, I was ready to do more than just survive. I wanted to start making forward progress again. I started by compiling a list of goals for the year.
I broke down my goals into 5 categories: body & mind, house, family & photos, media & entertainment, and work.
Now that we are a little over halfway through the year, it is time for a mid-year check in.
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My Goals for 2022: Mid-Year Check In

Body & Mind
Gynecologist Check Up & Mammogram – I did both of these in January.
Fix My Shoulder – I was diagnosed with frozen shoulder, and started physical therapy at the end of February. I ended up going 3 months, sometimes 3x a month. While my mobility is not 100% restored, I did have significant improvement.
Get New Glasses – I haven’t made any progress on this. In fact, I’ve had a bit of a set back. My optometrist’s office closed, and I have to find a new one.
Move My Body 150 Days – My current total is 75 days.
Listen to Worship Music 200 Days – My current total is 63 days. This has been much harder than I anticipated. When I want to listen to something, I tend to pick a podcast.

- Fix Bedroom Door Knob
- Add Shelves to Kids’ Closet
- Stain The Deck
- Paint Front Door
- Replace Kids’ Mattresses
Replace MicrowaveReplace Dishwasher– It is so nice to have a working dishwasher again.Declutter The Playroom– Grace and I spent a lot of time in there sorting through her Barbie collection, figuring out what to save, and what to sell. More could be done, but I’m happy enough with our progress to say this goal is finished.
Make $400 on Facebook Marketplace : $201 total so far. The fall is the best time to sell toys since people are looking for Christmas gifts. I’m confident I’ll hit $400.
- January – $6
- February – $83
- March – $21
- April – $1
- May – $28
- June – $10
- July – $52

Family & Photos
Professional Family Photoshoot – I have been in contact with a photographer and hope to schedule something with her.
Chatbooks from 2021 – Books are edited and ordered.
Chatbooks from 2022 – Books for the first half of the year are edited and ordered.
Finish (?) my Pandemic Photo Book – I have not worked on this at all.
Use my “Line A Day” Journal – I have shocked myself by writing in this journal consistently. I don’t have any blank days for 2022 so far.
Read to Isaac 200 Days – My current total is 78 days.
Use Gift Cards – We have used several gift cards for some family fun including gift cards for movie tickets, an amusement park, and Sight & Sound Theatres.

Media & Entertainment
My goals for this year included a little less reading so I had more time for some TV watching I want to catch up on.
- Read 50 Books – 46 so far
Listen to 1 Nonfiction Audiobook– This is the book I read.YOU (season 3)- The Handmaid’s Tale (season 4)
- Grey’s Anatomy (
seasons 17& 18) – I’m getting bored of this show. - The Resident (seasons 4 & 5)
- Schitt’s Creek (seasons 3-6)
- Emily In Paris (season 2) – I don’t really want to watch this anymore.
FBoy Island (season 1)And Just Like That (season 1)- Under The Influence podcast
Secret Tapes podcast– This podcast isn’t available anymore.Rise & Fall of Mars Hill podcast– done except for some bonus episodes- In addition, I’ve also watched Normal People, Cheer (season 2), Love is Blind (season 2), and listened to the podcast Normal Gossip.

Hit 6,000 Followers on Instagram – I started the year with 5,274 followers on Instagram. I currently have 5,390. Growth on Instagram can easily feel like 2 steps forward and 1 step back. Please follow me! I have a lot of fun over there.
Publish 12 Brand New Blog Posts – Including this post, my total of new posts for the year so far is 4.
Increase My Income – I ran the numbers, and my income for January-June 2022 is almost exactly half of what it was for 2021. In some areas I’m making more than 2021 and in other areas I’m making less. Although I was a little discouraged I am not seeing a more significant increase, I’m still hopeful I can end the year earning more.
2022 Goal Breakdown
- Completely Finished Goals: 13
- Goals with Notable Progress: 11
- Goals with Zero Progress: 12
My Thoughts
As I was going through this list and seeing how many goals I haven’t made any progress on and others that I feel behind on, I was feeling discouraged.
Then I was scrolling through all my pictures for the year to find ones that would work for this post, and I was reminded of how much we have accomplished as a family that doesn’t fit into this list of goals.
- Noah had an awesome season playing baseball.
- Grace did an amazing job at her dance recital.
- Isaac finished preschool and is heading to kindergarten.
- Plus we have had a lot of fun family experiences together.
Goals like these are good for me. They keep me focused, and sharing them keeps me accountable. But even if I don’t get them all crossed off at the end of the year, there will still be a lot worth celebrating.
Want More Goal Setting Inspiration?
- My Goals for 2022 – For full explanations of my goals for this year, read my goal descriptions here.
- Daily Goal Tracker Printable – This is what I’m using for keeping track of my 200 days of worship music and reading to Isaac. Sign up for Elise’s newsletter to get the free printable.
- Habit Tracker Printable – If you are looking to create a new daily habit, download this habit tracker from Donna.
- My Previous Insane Goals – Get inspired to make your own goals by reading about some of my past goals from 2011 and 2013.
How are you doing on your goals for 2022?
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Top image by StockSnap via Pixabay.
You have done really well on your goals! Your progress looks about right (I coach goalsetting and time management) and you honestly are waaaaay above the average person. Well done!
Really?! I will take that as a huge compliment given the work you do.
I totally agree that it’s easy to get discouraged when you see all that is not crossed off. It doesn’t matter how much is crossed off we tend to dwell on the “overwhelming” part that’s left. Switch up the mindset and dwell on the overwhelming part that’s done–that’s motivating!
Also, I do a one line a day journal. Mine is on index cards that I have in a box and rotate through. So fun to read past years and so easy–just a quick line at the end of the day. I’m on year 9 of doing this. It’s so fun to read and remind myself how far we’ve come. When I started our kids were 5 and 2. We’ve covered a lot of ground since then; they’re 15 and almost 12!
Wow. I really apperciate your thoughtful commentary on looking at goal progress. Thank you!
And I am incredibly impressed that you have been doing a one line day day journal for NINE YEARS!