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Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs

I haven’t dyed Easter eggs in years. When I read a recent article at Simple Organic, I became inspired! The article gave instructions on how to use natural ingredients to dye Easter eggs. Since Grace is way too young to enjoy this process, I decided to keep it simple and only do half a dozen eggs. I also decided to use only ingredients that I already had on hand.

Here are my two mixtures simmering. I used blue berries for purple. I used turmeric and yellow onion skins for yellow.


I had mixed feelings about the results. I thought the yellow ones turned out great, but the purple ones look grey. Grey Easter eggs? That’s not much fun. The turmeric did such a nice job though. I’m not sure if the onion skins were really needed.

I’m looking forward to naturally dying eggs again next year. It would be fun to try some of the red color options. In the mean time, I plan to enjoy my hard boil eggs on top of chef salads with HAM!


  1. Hi Rebekah! Thanks for the link…I’m glad you tried dyeing the eggs naturally! Maybe more blueberries would help it become bluer? We are doing ours tomorrow – can’t wait! 🙂

  2. Dude. U r crazy. Very creative. I wonder if u add vinegar, maybe it would brighten the color. I don’t know! My favorite egg coloring technique is using wax or crayons! Oh by the way…I miss your face!

  3. I will try this and use beet juice
    As well maybe
    Spinach or kale wiill make
    I love anything organic and only buy veg and fruit if it’s organic
    Even milk
    Thank you!!

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