
The Missing Pacifier

The Missing Pacifier

This post was originally published on November 6, 2010.  It is one of my favorite stories from the archives.  Enjoy. Little Grace loves her pacifier.  I love that she loves her pacifier!  It sure has come in very handy, but now Grace is old enough that we can start to limit how often she has…

God is Good… All the Time?

God is Good… All the Time?

This post contains affiliate links. This past fall I attended Allume, a blogging conference for Christian women.  DaySpring provided some beautiful decor for a lounge that we all enjoyed.  It was in this room that I found myself constantly being drawn to one of DaySpring’s canvas prints. And I hated it.   I couldn’t stop staring at…

Drowning in the Flood

Drowning in the Flood

I’ve been waiting for inspiration to write.  Waiting and waiting.  Nothing seems worthy of a blog post when your friend’s 5 year old son is in hospice loosing his battle with cancer.  Then hardly anything seems worthy of your attention when you get the news that he passed away. I’ve been drowning lately.  Drowning in…