My Love Story: Not Interested {chapter 4}
This is the story of how my crush became my husband. Each Wednesday I’m sharing another piece of the puzzle. Need to catch up? Here is last week’s post: What Happend to Him?
Here it was… The conversation I was dreading.
I made a bold move and decided to visit Nate at his apartment. Usually we chatted around campus or if he happened to be in my dorm building, but this was the first time I stepped out of my comfort zone and sought him out. Nate was happy to see me and everything was going well until…
“At least once a year I end up needing to tell a girl that I’m not interested in her. I talk to a lot of people. I try to be nice to everyone. Each year it seems like there is at least one girl that takes it the wrong way and thinks I’m trying to pursue a relationship. It is awkward.”
That’s me.
He is trying to tell me not to read into things.
He is just a nice guy. He isn’t interested in anything more.
I was crushed.
I left his house and allowed myself to cry as soon as I was a safe distance away.
I had finally gotten my answer. It wasn’t the one I had been hoping for, but at least I knew. At least he didn’t have to actually come out and say that I wasn’t the girl for him. That would have been awful. I could handle his passive aggressive rejection.
I was disappointed, but I tried to dust myself off and keep going. I didn’t miss a beat. I continued to make small talk with Nate around campus and enjoy him greatly even if the feelings weren’t mutual.
At least until he officially dropped the bomb on me at the bowling alley…
Tell me your love story! Was your spouse interested from the beginning?
Read Chapter 5: The Bowling Alley.
Top Image by Amanda Faye Photography