
My Love Story: What Happened to Him? {chapter 3}

My Love Story

This is the story of how my crush became my husband.  Each Wednesday I’m sharing another piece of the puzzle.  Need to catch up?  Here is last week’s post: IHOP.

One night I walked into the main lounge of my all girls dorm to find Nate sitting at a table reading the newspaper.

I freaked out.

I freaked out in a silly school girl crush kind of way.

Immediately I ran back to my room and announced with much giddiness to my roommate that, “NATE IS IN THE LOUNGE!!!!!!”

So what is a silly freshman girl suppose to do when her crush is sitting in her lounge?

Talk to him?  No, no…  That would make way too much sense.

Instead I had my roommate pretend to take a picture of me, but really take it of Nate sitting in the background.

My First Picture "With" Nate

Totally childish.  Completely a junior-high type of prank.

But I don’t care.  I love this picture, even in all it’s blurry glory.

It is a fabulous display of just how much I was crushin’ on my man way before we ever said “I do.”


Recap: During My freshman year of college is when I was introduced to my husband-to-be.  I climbed through Nate’s window.  We shared a speech class.  We shared an awkward and hilarious picture (above).  We shared false information that neither of us was interested.

Fast forward a whole year and we found ourselves gathered in the same room once again.  This time I was a junior, Nate a senior, and we were meeting just before the start of school to begin our freshman orientation training.  We both signed up to come to school a week early and help the freshman with their transition into college.

I am going to be completely honest here…

When I realized that Nate was in the training room with me, I did a double take, and thought, “What happened to him???”  I hadn’t even recognized him at first.

Nate had spent my entire sophomore year of college studying and working in Washington D.C. as part of our college’s cross-cultural program.  He did not look like the same guy I had started crushing on in my freshman speech class!  His hair was long.  He was wearing hemp necklaces.  His ears were pierced.  He was hot.

Long Haired Nate

Yep.  I loved it.

In high school I had pictures of a long-haired Johnny Depp in my locker.  That look worked for me.  😉

Nate and I were partnered together for a brainstorming session during our first day of training.  We re-introduced ourselves to each other and that was all it took to reignite my interest.

It seemed like I saw Nate everywhere on campus during that first month of school.  Trust me, I was not complaining.  I looked forward to every interaction.  This was one serious crush, folks.

Once I remember Nate walking me to my dorm and as soon as he walked away, I collapsed against the wall.  There wasn’t a medical concern.  I wasn’t tired.  Nate was just that dreamy.  I almost couldn’t stand it.  Literally.

Yet, I was constantly wondering if I was something special to him or if this was how he treated everyone.  It didn’t take long before I got my answer and I was devastated.

Tell me your love story!  Were you seriously crushing on your spouse or did he/she have to win you over?

Read Chapter 4: Not Interested.

Top Image by Amanda Faye Photography

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