Insane Goals: June Update
AHH! June is over already?? Half the year is over!?!? I guess that means that half the things on my list should be crossed off. Well, let’s see…
Honestly, I don’t have much excitement to report for June so I’m not going to follow my typical format. I uploaded a ton of photos to Snapfish, we hosted a fun couple, we’ve lived here a year and have zero pictures on the walls, I rocked my cleaning checklist for about 1 day, blah blah blah…
I felt disappointed last month with my accomplishments because I was focusing so much on summer things. After some encouragement from some readers (I love you, guys!!) I’ve come up with an addition to my Insane List of Goals for the summer.
Insane Goals Summer Edition
(Since we are one month into summer & I wrote this list a couple weeks ago, some of these things have been accomplished and are already crossed off.)
Buy New Pool for Grace & Throw Out Old One
Refinish Patio Furniture – I have a table & chair set that needs sanded and refinished.
Clean Out Gutters
Add a Clothesline – I’m so sad our new house doesn’t have one already and it seems frugally foolish not to!
Weed & Mulch Flower Beds – The weeding will certainly happen (and has been happening for weeks and weeks and weeks), but we may not mulch in order to save money. I might go insane from the weeds though. Time will tell.
Plant More Shade Loving Flowers – Again this may or may not happen.
Dig Up Unwanted Plants – We have daffodils that never bloomed, bleeding hearts laying across the sidewalk and peonies growing in awkward spots. They all need to go.
Complete the Summer Fun Checklist
Read 2 Books Each Month – This goal is for the adult summer reading program. I get one entry into a drawing for each book I read over the summer. In June I started 2 books, but haven’t finished them.
Try to “Preserve the Harvest” – I’m extremly thankful to have a good friend, Emily, who wants to do some of this crazy domestic stuff with me. We have a quite the list of things we want to accomplish:
- Rhubarb Jam
- Strawberry Jam
- Freeze Strawberries
- Freeze Blueberries
- Try New Zucchini Recipes
- Peach Jam
- Can Peaches
- Salsa
- Pizza Sauce
- Applesauce
So there is my list. Maybe I should change the name of my blog to “Rebekah’s Never Ending Lists.”
What advice do you have for me? A book to add to my reading list? Your favorite zucchini recipe? Tips on natural weed killers? How to cure my obsessive list making???
I love your lists! I do! They motivate me to keep writing lists. I may just join you and make my very own insane summer goals list.
I’ll take your daffodils and peonies! by the way!
Great list of goals. I think I’m going to be writing one as well — I love the crossing off of the list part. 🙂
Rachel, a couple of people have told me that they want to start writing out goals like this. Would you be interested in a monthly link-up? I’m not sure if I’ll host one or not, but it would be good to get an idea if anyone is interested.
Weed killer: corn glutton. It’s organic, natural, whatever you want to call it. It works just like preen. It keeps seeds from germanating. You can use it in your garden as long as your seeds are already up. The best/cheapest place to buy it would be a feed mill/farm center (not Farm & Fleet or Theisens). Go where farmers go to get their feed and farm stuff.
Jennifer, this sounds awesome. How does it work? You just sprinkle it around? I really need to look into this.
My favorite natural weed killer is Kirk. When he wants to impress me lately he goes out and weeds the garden for me. Haha! But seriously. I love Jennifer’s suggestion of corn glutton. I’m going to have to try it. Rebekah… I also love the idea of a monthly goal link up. DO IT!
HA! I need to get myself a Kirk. 🙂