Vinegar vs. Bathroom Grime
I’m not sure what the problem is with our water. It leaves behind a residue and makes it nearly impossible to keep our bathroom looking clean. Is the problem hard water? Well, whatever it is, I don’t like it. However, I found the magic solution to my problem: Vinegar to the rescue!
Simply soak a paper towel in regular vinegar.
Place the wet paper towel on the problem spot and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Then wipe the surface clean.
We have a problem with grime building up on our cold water faucet at the sink. When we turn off the water after washing our hands, water drips down and the grime slowly builds up. Check out these before and after pictures! You can actually see the reflection of my camera in the after photo!
PS. Nate wanted me to add that vinegar is also very good on French fries. He said that it is his new favorite thing. I had no idea.
Yes vinegar is a great cleaner. I use a toothbrush and vinegar to get rid of the grim around my faucets. A word of caution: keep vinegar away from pearls. I ruined a pearl ring because I got vinegar on it. Vinegar disolves pearls. It’s a little too harsh on precious things, so be careful.
Thank you for the warning, Jennifer!
Yes, vinegar is fabulous. I don’t use it as much as I could… I think I’m going to try to use it more often on more things. You know, its so much better (not to mention, its cheaper) than all the crazy chemical crap out there- there’s something for every “home ailment.” But if vinegar does the job, I’ll all for that, instead. Yes, I also love vinegar on my french fries, Nate!! I completely agree with you there!
I keep a 16oz. spray bottle with with 1/4 c. white vinegar, 1/4 c. Dawn ultra, topped off with water. Fabulous cleaner and deodorizer. It’s the vinegar!
I have heard that Dawn works great with vinegar. I don’t know why I haven’t tried it yet!